Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Tonight I attended the Good Friday service with some of my good friends who have and continue to be a positive example of a faithful couple. I was hesitant to go because I do not attend church regularly and I at times feel like an impostor and that everyone must be wondering who I am. I know this isn't the case, but it's what I at times, think.

But I went because I knew I needed to go. I needed to be in His home, surrounded by love and acceptance and eyes that do not cast judgement. It was so nice to just be. Be in His presence, and feel a part of something much bigger. The service was so special to me because I truly seemed to connect to what the Pastor was saying....which doesn't normally happen. I hope that this is a good sign of how God can begin to work more openly in my life.

My Lord, 
your son has suffered so much, shed so much blood.
I was born with so many faults
and my nature is so full of weakness,
and yet your son Jesus has died on the cross.
For me.
I know your grace has the power
to cleanse me of my many sins
and to make me more like your Son.
Thank you for your goodness and love for me.
I ask you, Father, to watch over me - always.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Can Show You the World...

Shinning, shimmering, splendid. Tell me Princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?.....

Ok so I clearly could go on and on with this...I sadly think I know the whole song by heart :) Well come July 30th I'm going to get to sing along to every Aladdin song with the stars of the Broadway Musical Aladdin. EEK! I'm so excited!!!

I'll also be purchasing Beauty and the Beast tickets when they go on sale here in a few weeks. OH. MY. GOSH I'm going to pee my pants with excitement! I just love musicals and love Disney ones that much more! I've already seen The Lion King and was in awe within the first 30 seconds, so I have to imagine that this will be nothing less than amazing. Can't wait for my Disney movie marathon day and sunny summer day drives blasting Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast songs! :)

It's okay to be jealous ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Things I'm in Love With

It's not very often I find things that I absolutely love ( I somehow find myself wasting money on new products or things I find, thinking they'll be great but inevitably I'm disappointed), but over the last few weeks I've found a few things I'm totally in love with.

Just put a tea light in the bottom
and a few drops of oil in the top
and burn for less than 20 min
and your house is filled with
yummy smelling goodness!
They're much stronger than a candle! 

I get the caramel one and OH how it
good! This is so much more affordable
and still makes me feel like I'm having a
treat in the AM to wake me up!

They won't let me copy a picture of it to show you, but it's OH so perfect for the spring and summer months to feed those little birdies. I love the bright blue to add some pop to my deck. I actually love just about everything on this website and have a few things displayed in my home. 

Ok just how AMAZING are these?!
Probably not the most flattering but
I'm thinking these would be perfect
for camping on those cold nights! I'm
torn as to which one I want, but these
WILL be mine! :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Learning to Embrace Change

Over the past three months I've been dealt quite a few major or potentially major life changes. If you know me, then you know I don't handle change well....I sometimes find myself living in the past, although I'm certainly looking forward to what the future has in store for me. It's a weird double edged sword; I live in the past because I love memories and thinking about all the fun I've had, but in order to make memories, you have to live in the present. I'm clearly a walking contradiction :) Here's what's been up...

1. In February my principal told me I'd be switching grade levels, going from kindergarten to 5th grade. WHAT?! NO!! Bring on the influx of never ending tears. Kindergarten is my heart and soul, it's all I've ever wanted to do. I know changing grade levels comes with the profession, but not like this. I won't know for sure until the end of May, but I feel the looming change. I just know it, and I'm trying to be okay with it.

2. The beginning of March brought a new living situation for me, as my little brother moved out of my house, as he returns as a Strength Coach for a Double AA baseball team. I love having my house back and having it remain clean for longer than 2 minutes, but I really got used to him coming and going. I got used to his 3am drunken calls asking me to pick him up, and waking up early for work to find his stupid friends passed out on my couch. Most of all I miss knowing what was going on in his life....and battling him in nightly Jeopardy :)

3. In early April my best friend gave birth to her first little one...a sweet little girl who's only 9 days old and has already managed to steal my heart. I am in love :) But it totally changes the way we've lived our lives, as she can't just drop everything and go to happy hour, or run to the mall with me because I need her advice. Her willingness to go to new places because she knows I need to get out there and meet people (more specifically the man of my dreams) is now much more difficult now. This is a good change....but will take some getting used to.

4. Friend drama. I swear I do not seek it out, but somehow lately, I cannot escape it. It's like I've got a target on my back! It's all very childish and I'm trying m hardest to not let it get me down and consume all my thoughts. I know who I am, and I know that I am a good person. I have to trust in myself and how I was raised because I would never in a million years, treat someone the way I've been treated. Although it hurts, I have to see the positive in that I will no longer be surrounding myself who thinks only of themselves and never about others. In a weird twist of fate, this person removed themselves from my life and it wasn't until after this occurred, did I realize how negative they really are and how much happier I already am. One of my favorite sayings is

Monday, April 11, 2011

Holy MIA Batman!

Ok so not that I've ever been a big fan of batman ( I actually can't think of a single episode that I've watched in it's entirety either), but I like using the word "holy" in conjunction with something else. I'm weird, and yes I know this :)

Anywho, I'm pretty sure I've been MIA for oh, lets see, about 4 months now. I have had so much go on it's ridiculous and quite honestly the last thing on my mind has been writing out my feelings and such. BUT now that it's all said and done, I can't wait to get back to the blogosphere. I'll be back, this weekend! I promise!