Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: The year of ME

First let me wish anyone reading this blog, a very Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday with those near and dear to your heart. I spent the evening with some of my closest girlfriends, snacking, laughing and playing games. Perfect :) 

With today being the 1st day of 2011, I know everyone is making new years resolutions and while I normally never make them because I'm not motivated to actually stick to them, and they usually just leave me feeling bad about myself, I am making resolutions this year. This year will be the year I take back my life. The year I stop putting everyone else's needs in front of my own, and actually take care of myself, my finances, and my future. 

This year I will....

-Spend less time criticizing and putting myself down, and more time building myself up for the wonderful qualities I have
- Put $1,000 into savings
- Pay off my credit card
- Make an effort to keep in better touch with distant friends
- Work out 4 times per week
- Send random "Thinking of You" notes to those whom I care about

I wish each of you a year full of happiness, love and growth. May you find peace within, flourishing relationships, and experience self-improvement. I wish you enough :)

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