Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau

Monday, December 13, 2010

Empowering Women

A few weeks ago a friend of mine posted a link to The Brave Girls Club, an online website designed just for women, where they can come together to create an online community where positive self-images are instilled. This is for women who want to lead the best life they can live, all the while being brave in whatever challenge life may throw at them. It's one of the most empowering communities I've come across. 

Now granted I haven't had the time to really delve deep into the inner workings of this community, but what I have seen, is powerful, wonderful and exciting to find in my inbox daily. There is an email you can sign up to receive called "A little birdie told me...Daily Truth". This email is a little nugget of gold if you ask me! Each day it has something empowering, uplifting, inspiring or something that you just needed to hear that particular day. So many days in the last 2 weeks, these little daily truths, have spoken to me in just a way that I needed. Something my dearest and closest friends have told me before, but nothing that I believed. For some reason, I had to have it presented this way, to make me understand it and grasp it in the way it was meaningful to my life. Check it won't be disappointed! 

One of the "owners" of this club is quite the artist and has created these inspirational images that I just had to post! I'm thinking of printing them and framing some for my desk, wall shelves, etc! I give all credit of these images to the wonderful women at The Brave Girls Club!

In a time when I am struggling with a friendship that is emotionally
draining; one where I'm giving my everything and not getting
anything in return...I SO needed to hear this. It's permission for me
to move on and not feel guilty. I'm protecting my soul. :)

I L.O.V.E this. It's so simple but yet so meaningful! Who
cares what others your you!

Simple. Profound.

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