Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

Yesterday as I was heading to a volleyball meeting (yes, a meeting on Labor Day..who does that!) I decided to stop at Starbucks to pick up a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate ( I know, it's like a party in your mouth it's THAT delicious). I was pulling in to the drive through and this car speeds through the lot, and cuts me off just to get in front of me! UGH! needless to say I had some not so nice words for her, and sat with a scowl on my face as she spoke into the speaker, clearly indecisive as it took FOREVER! As I pull up to the window to pay and pick up my cup 'o'  heaven,  the way to perky guy at the window informs me that the car in front of me paid for my drink! WHAT!! THIS NEVER HAPPENS TO ME! WHOOO HOOO!! Of course I then paid it forward and bought the guys drink behind me. I hope the trend continued.

As I drove away I realized that I wasn't following the 90/10 rule. 90% of life happens TO us that we can't control, and only 10% that happens to us we can control. I could have controlled my attitude and not so nice mouth, but I let it get the best of me. And for what? It wasn't going to get me up to that window, cup in hand, and on my way to the meeting any faster. Here I was being a brat, and the lady pays for my drink! Go figure. Lesson learned. Heart warmed. Kindness appreciated and delicious drink in hand.


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