Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, September 30, 2010

True Friendship

Today was the first day in over three weeks that I can legitamatly remember having absolutely nothing to do after work and it felt wonderful. I got home at a decent time, changed into my cozy sweats and poured myself a glass of wine all before 5pm :) I did my usual "unwinding" by perusing facebook, and my other favorite blogs and then called Courtney, my longtime friend/college roomate whom is one of those people who you can go months without talking to and pick up right where you left off. It was EXACTLY what I needed. We caught up on everything and never once did we hold back. Often I feel like with friends who you don't talk to on a regular basis you sometimes hold back and don't confide in them as much as you would others...but not Courtney. In actuality, she's one that I can tell anything and everything to and know it's safe with her. Our lives are so similar on so many levels that it's sometimes scary. It fills my heart with happiness to know that Courtney will always be there for me no matter how far live takes us apart. We have a bond that cannot be broken. As I think about our conversation, it really makes me think about my friendships with others and how those friendships seem so much more empty. Maybe it's a time to re-evaluate my friendships and put more effort into those that bring me love and joy and eliminate those that don't. Either way, it was so nice to cozy up on the couch, glass of wine in hand, and chit chat with my college roomate/bff :)

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