Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Giving Back

Lately I have had a bit of a heavy heart, thinking about my life and how to make it more meaningful. I feel pretty selfish for not doing more for my community and others around me. Everything that I do revolves around me and what makes me feel good and rightfully so, it is my life, but I feel like there should be more to it. Yes, I give back by teaching young 5 and 6 year olds and really what could be more rewarding than that, but that's my job. I'm hired to do that. And although I love my chosen career, I am beginning to feel a pull to do more. I have been thinking of doing some sort of volunteer work, something that will help me to connect with others in my community and a way for me to give back. My first thought was Habitat for Humanity where I'd help build houses for those less fortunate but my immediate thought was "who would willingly give ME a hammer or power tool?!"....I'm rather clumsy and accident prone!. My second thought was Special Olympics where I could work with people with special needs. Ideally this would be what I'd chose, but you really don't get to connect with people much through that one because it's different people every time. But I LOVE working with people with special needs. Hmmm. 

I need some inspiration...some sort of sign that will lead me to the perfect volunteer situation.

"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others."

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