Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Learning to Embrace Change

Over the past three months I've been dealt quite a few major or potentially major life changes. If you know me, then you know I don't handle change well....I sometimes find myself living in the past, although I'm certainly looking forward to what the future has in store for me. It's a weird double edged sword; I live in the past because I love memories and thinking about all the fun I've had, but in order to make memories, you have to live in the present. I'm clearly a walking contradiction :) Here's what's been up...

1. In February my principal told me I'd be switching grade levels, going from kindergarten to 5th grade. WHAT?! NO!! Bring on the influx of never ending tears. Kindergarten is my heart and soul, it's all I've ever wanted to do. I know changing grade levels comes with the profession, but not like this. I won't know for sure until the end of May, but I feel the looming change. I just know it, and I'm trying to be okay with it.

2. The beginning of March brought a new living situation for me, as my little brother moved out of my house, as he returns as a Strength Coach for a Double AA baseball team. I love having my house back and having it remain clean for longer than 2 minutes, but I really got used to him coming and going. I got used to his 3am drunken calls asking me to pick him up, and waking up early for work to find his stupid friends passed out on my couch. Most of all I miss knowing what was going on in his life....and battling him in nightly Jeopardy :)

3. In early April my best friend gave birth to her first little one...a sweet little girl who's only 9 days old and has already managed to steal my heart. I am in love :) But it totally changes the way we've lived our lives, as she can't just drop everything and go to happy hour, or run to the mall with me because I need her advice. Her willingness to go to new places because she knows I need to get out there and meet people (more specifically the man of my dreams) is now much more difficult now. This is a good change....but will take some getting used to.

4. Friend drama. I swear I do not seek it out, but somehow lately, I cannot escape it. It's like I've got a target on my back! It's all very childish and I'm trying m hardest to not let it get me down and consume all my thoughts. I know who I am, and I know that I am a good person. I have to trust in myself and how I was raised because I would never in a million years, treat someone the way I've been treated. Although it hurts, I have to see the positive in that I will no longer be surrounding myself who thinks only of themselves and never about others. In a weird twist of fate, this person removed themselves from my life and it wasn't until after this occurred, did I realize how negative they really are and how much happier I already am. One of my favorite sayings is

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